Back is a React App that is Authenticated using Azure Active Directory. It has an integration with a Business to Customer Tenant to allow users to sign in using social identities provided by Google and Microsoft.

This custom app is designed to make tracking website SSL Certificates easier by managing them all in one centralised place. Using an Azure WebJob it runs daily to keep certificate statutes in terms of the time to expire up to date. It displays a list of certificates in an easy to digest visual way to provide a quick overview.

For security it communicates with an API that is also authenticated using Azure Active Directory to ensure only authorised identities can perform actions on the app.

Key Functionality:

  • Secure authentication using Azure Active Directory to ensure authorised access
  • SSL Certification information is automatically populated once a new domain is successfully added
  • Review the status of all SSL Certifications across multiple domains
  • Easy domain management with the ability to add, edit and delete domain level information
  • Visual view of every SSL certificate showing status information such as time to expire in days remaining, date of expiry, serial number and thumbprint
  • Visual view is ordered in certificate expiry to draw attention to what requires more immediate attention
  • Ability to customise the display name of a domain to enable consistent and meaningful naming conventions
  • Simple text search supported with filtering options on date and status type
  • Option to manually check for new certificates on a domain

You can learn more on site about the product features and benefits.

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