Website Accessibility Audits

Our expert Web Accessibility Audits thoroughly review your existing website to assess its accessibility for users with disabilities. We provide a detailed report highlighting any issues that may hinder people from accessing and interacting with your site, along with recommendations for improvement.

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What is website accessibility and why is it important?

Web accessibility is the concept of designing and developing websites to be fully usable by everyone. To be considered an accessible website, users should be able to fully view, understand, navigate and engage with the content, regardless of hardware, software, language, location or disability.

These disabilities may include – but are not limited to – people with impaired vision or hearing, permanent or temporary motor difficulties, cognitive impairments, and/or learning disabilities.

Designing for accessibility offers significant benefits for businesses, including improved market reach and growth, assured regulatory compliance, and boosted SEO. It also enhances general user experience across devices – ultimately promoting equity, diversity and inclusion.

It’s worth noting that failure to prioritise web accessibility may exclude users from your site, which could lead to legal consequences and damage your business’ reputation.


Website Accessibility Standards in the UK


In September 2018, the UK government introduced the Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations 2018. These new web accessibility regulations fall under the Equality Act 2010, which legally protects people from discrimination within the workplace and wider society.

Under these new regulations, public sector bodies in the UK must ensure their website is fully usable by as many people as possible. Many of these public services are critical and do not have alternative options, so it’s crucial that everyone is able to access them, regardless of disability.

Private businesses in the UK do not currently have a legal requirement to make their website accessible – however, this may change in the future, and it is in their best interests to be inclusive and provide access to everyone.


European Accessibility Act (EAA)


The new European Accessibility Act (EAA) was introduced in 2019 and will come into full effect on 28th June 2025.

The EAA will affect all private sector organisations that sell products or services to the EU. It’s important to note that it’s not the location of the business that matters here, but the location of the targeted customers.

Under the EAA, private sector organisations must ensure their website and apps are accessible to all. However, the EAA doesn’t just apply to web accessibility. These new regulations will also affect a wide range of products and services, including physical devices like smart phones, TVs, ATMs, e-books and more.


How an Accessibility Audit can help

Ideally, accessibility should be built directly into the design and development service of a new website or software product. However, we know that’s not always possible. The earlier you start testing for accessibility the better – but it’s never too late to assess, identify and make improvements to your existing website.

An Accessibility Audit can help you understand any barriers that could be impacting the usability of your current site and how it’s impacting users with specific access requirements.

Technical experts will review and test your website(s), assessing whether and how they conform with current accessibility standards and legislation. If an audit identifies existing problems, it should also provide guidance on how to address the issues and minimise the risk of legal consequences.

Often, you may only need to make small changes to deliver instant improvements to your user experience.

If you’re unsure how accessible your website currently is, please contact I‑Finity today. We’ll be happy to offer our expertise.


Web Accessibility Audits by I‑Finity

I‑Finity has been helping customers in both the Public and Private Sectors design and develop accessible websites for many years. Throughout this time, we’ve refined a process that includes rigorous testing to ensure accessibility compliance.

When you choose I‑Finity as your Accessibility Audit Partner, you benefit from our practical experience across various industries, including registered charities, local councils, heritage, and education.

Our expertise extends to understanding the ongoing importance of accessibility maintenance, ensuring websites stay current with evolving standards and remain compliant with the introduction of any new features.


What your Website Accessibility Report will include


We offer a clear, actionable plan tailored to address immediate, short-term, and long-term accessibility requirements, ensuring compliance with current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Your report will include:

  • Overview of the testing approach and introduction to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) applied 2.1 and 2.2

  • Outline of non-compliant areas and existing accessibility issues, along with guidance on how to address them

  • Barriers that may be impacting people with a physical, neurodiverse, sight or hearing disability perspective

  • Areas of improvement and the benefits they will provide for user experience, reach and inclusion

  • Suggested plans for accessibility updates – both now and in the future.


Book your Accessibility Audit today 

We can help improve your website’s accessibility

After the Accessibility Audit with I-Finity, you can explore our other services to help achieve and maintain your website’s accessibility goals:


  • Website Design and Development: Our expert team can enhance accessibility, add compliant features, and develop new capabilities for your existing website – or we can assist in creating a brand new accessible website.


  • Website Performance, Security & Resilience: Factors like page loading speed and website availability are crucial for user experience and accessibility. We can evaluate your current setup and offer web hosting, support and maintenance packages to optimise performance and ensure ongoing accessibility improvements.


If you’re unsure what your current website needs or which approach to take – whether it's upgrading an existing site, migrating to a new one, or starting fresh – contact I‑Finity today. We'll be happy to provide the advice and guidance you need.


Contact us about your Accessibility Audit today